Global Energy Concept - Link Collection
additional links in German can be found here.
Magazines and News Portals
- Clean Energy Wire Journalism for the energy transition
- PV-Magazine Global solar coverage, with regional versions for Germany, France, Spain, USA, Mexico, Latin America, Australia, India and China in according languages
- Global Energy Interconnection Journal articles of all aspects of grids published by international scientists, issued in cooperation with Chinese GEIDCO
Energy data
- IRENA Renewable Statitics 2020 (Produced Power in GWh up to 2019) by the International Renewable Energy Association
- IRENA Renewable Capacity Statistics 2020 (Installed Power in GW up to 2019)
Olino Blog links to real-time market and grid data in various countries
Fraunhofer ISE Energy Charts for Germany with daily statistics about fossil and RE electricity production
Electricity Map
map of Europeam electricity grid by ENTSO-E
ENTSO-E Electricity in Europe showing the big differences in the electricity mix in European countries
GHG Emissions
- EDGAR Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research by the EC Joint Research Center
- CO2 emissions charts, temperature anomaly, CO2 concentration
- Integrated Carbon Observation System measurement CO2 data from 120 European stations, emissions and budget data
- Global Carbon Project annual CO2 emissions data
- World Climate Research Program
- Methane Tracker by the IEA focussing on the 72 Mt of emissions in oil production and the leakages in the gas value chain
Historic weather data
NOAA by the US agency
100% renewables / deep decarbonisation
- Global Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy Modelling 100% scenarois for all world regions, cost-efficiently feasible well before 2050. By LUT Finland and Energy Watch Group.
- Getting to Zero Carbon Emissions in the Electric Power Sector review bof 40 deep decarbonisation studies (Jenkins et al. in "Joule")
International Supergrid
- Intercontinental power lines - a new chance for the global energy transition radio feature on Deutschlandfunk (German national public radio): result of my research about this topic: with statements from Paul van Son (DII Desertenergy), Andreas Huber (Desertec Foundation), Alexander MacDonald (USA supergrid study, ex NOAA), Mircea Ardelean (EC Joint Research Center) a.o. - auto translated by Google
- Revolve: Is a global grid possible? Interview with Zhanghua Zheng, GEIDCO Europe
- Is a national high voltage transmission system the cheapest way to cut emissions? by Utilitydrive
- China eyes wole as world's power supplier Financial Times (7-Jun 2018)
- Changji-Guquany the biggest HVDC line of the world in China
- Review of the book Global Energy Interconnection by Liu Zhenya with some more links
- Belt and Road Initiative can accelerate global power 'super grid' vom chinesischen Sender CGTN über die GEIDCO-Pläne
Carbon pricing
- Carbon tax: a global overview by Grantham Institute, UK
Agricultural impact
- FAO Lifestock's Long Shadow
- Lifestock and Climate Change (WWI) The UN agricultural organisation FAO estimates annual emissions in agriculture at 7,5 Gt CO2 (18%), the World-Watch-Institute WWI at 32 Gt (51%), taking rain forest destruction and the impact of methane into account more seriously. The WWI estimates total global emissions at 64 Gt/year, leaving a shorter time window. In every case meat consumption is problematic.
Wikipedia essentials
- Attribution of recent climate change explaining the individual impact of greenhouse gases, water vapor, land use (deforestation), livestock, extreme weather, solar activity and cosmic rays to global warming
- Effects of global warming food and water security, health, migration, conflict, economic impact, biological impact in terrestrial and ocean ecosystems, irreversible changes
- Fossil fuel limits and alternatives, environmental effects, subsidies
- Global warming about the recent situation
- Climate change (general concept) about climatic changes in the past
- List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions
- Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals Global and Regional 100% Renewable Energy Scenarios with Non-energy GHG Pathways for +1.5°C and +2°C by Climate and Energy College Melbourne, University of Technology Sydney and German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Energy sources
Global warming chain reactions
- Subsea permafrost carbon stocks and climate change sensitivity estimated by expert assessment methane under the Arctic Sea - by Perfmafrost Carbon Network
Institutes / Organisations / Initiatives
- Supergrid Institute France with technical aspects
- ECREEE Africa's organisation for RE (ECOWAS): a major topic are small grids with PV for independent electrity supply
- Climate Emergency Institute comprehensive collection by physician Dr. Peter Carter, BC, Kanada
- World Climate Research Program
Worldwide developments
If you want to get the whole picture, climate change must be seen in context with other megatrends
some German articles with auto-translation
Publication | ![]() | ![]() |
Spektrum | Spektrum: Die gängigsten Mythen zum Klimawandel Warum Wissenschaft nie ganz eindeutig ist, aber doch Konsens zu den Grunddaten herrscht | The most common myths about climate change science is never quite clear, but there is consensus on the basic data |